Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Baby 3: How time flies?

I'm right into my 17th week of pregnancy now and oh-how-i-love-my-honeymoon-trimester! No more sickness, checked, no more grumpy woman, checked, no more stay at home all day just to nap, checked, no more vomit most of all!, checked!!

I'm literally over the moon right now with my not very big tummy and being out and about recently. And most wonderful of all, i've finally felt something moving in my lower abdomen!! Fluttering, butterflies - whatever you call it, since last week. I do not remember i could feel my both kids this early and this week, the force is growing and i can feel it even during daytime. I've always missed this sensation after i delivered my kids. I promised myself i'm going to be a pretty, happy pregger this time round, truly enjoying my child'd company while it's still in me.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Baby 3: Oh-the-glorious-puke

To think that this will be my last baby, i would like to jot down the pregnancy progress so this platform would serve as my memory flash back.

With my previous two pregnancies, i did not remember i had to undergo morning sickness (or rather evening sickness, in my case) this bad and this early starting in the 5th week. The nausea goes non-stop throughout the day and heighten after dinner before i go to bed. It seems like i have been trying to hold back the vomit for the whole day and finally get to release them at night. After every glorious rush to toilet, regurgitation, and finally seeing all the colorful stuffs i ate right before, i realize the burst of tiny blood vessels all around my eyes area. Apparently, the regurgitate forces are too strong that they break the tiny vessels. It is terrible!

I thank God for a wonderful husband, who is very caring and helpful to always bring me a hot cup of Bovril to soothe my empty stomach before sleep.

Only 3 weeks and i'm feeling 30 weeks already. Time crawls when you're counting and waiting. I could only tell myself that this will be my last pregnancy and i'm going to truly be present with every moment of it instead of whining and counting up until the delivery date. I'm going to buy that pretty maternity dresses from online shopping and be a pretty preggo instead of being down and mock on myself how fat i'm going to be by the end of pregnancy.

Friday, June 22, 2012

A good sign

(Photo taken 20th June 2012)

Anyone, please enlighten me the name of the flower?

Just recently, among all the long-planted pot plants, a flower the size of 1.5 of my palm size was blooming. It has pretty big bud seeds, half way emerged from the soil, and these green, long leafy leaves just like lily's. I googled it but the flower looks like none of those lilies on the net. Being a noob with flowers, i've just realised that lilies come in all kind of shapes, sizes, colors, and patterns but none of them look like mine.

My green-finger mother in law planted these pot plants and it has been ages for a flower to bloom. Once bloomed and dies off, the leaves have to be removed and the seeds are to be wrapped in plastic bags and stored in the freezer to be planted again for the next season (plant mid-late winter and bloom in Spring around chinese new year). If it's to bloom in spring, why does it bloom now?

And that's for a flower noob to figure out!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Baby 3: 老么 (or it just means "the youngest")

(Tests taken on 5th June 2012)

(U/S scan on 18th June 2012)

It's official!

For the past two weeks, time has been passing by so sloowww on my side. The problem with me is that I'm such a curious cat and i picked up the pregnancy way too early with Clear Blue digital pregnancy stick.

With my messed up cycle this month, my ovulation was said to happen late and hence, i can't use my last menstrual date to predict baby's EDD. The wonderful and helpful ultrasound machine measured the yolk sac and predicts my sac's age is at 5w1d and EDD should be on 17th February 2013. So, i guess we will be having a pretty busy Chinese New Year which falls on 10th Feb 2013!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012









Wednesday, May 23, 2012

A love for shopping

I can't deny myself that i am a girly girl at heart. Shopping for clothes, accessories, footwear (read: heels) etc..okay, and groceries are my favorite past time activities. But what happens when i am physically tied down with two children and a doting husband to care for at home and i can't possibly go shopping for myself anytime i wanted?

I look up for my eye candies in my email inbox for some quick window shopping fix. And i do not even remember when i gave them my email address!

Friday, May 11, 2012

Malaysian Chinese expressions?

Just recently, my 3.5 years old daughter added quite a bit of expressions into her sentences (must be from us!).

"Baba go working again?? Aiyo~~!"

"Mami, i want to eat this one leh~!"

"Didi, take this loh~!"

Oh dear~!!